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Find someone who makes you laugh

When I was 16, I had a boyfriend. One of my mom's friends, very close to the family and for whom I cared very much, once asked me (in front of my mom) if said boyfriend made me laugh. In trying to be bold and mature and, well, in trying to surprise and scare my mom, I said, "Well, yeah, kinda. But most importantly, he is awesome in bed!" I was lying, in case anyone is freaking out. My mom was (and probably is again now) freaking out. Her friend simply said, "Whatever, that is not important. What is important is that he makes you laugh. That is the most important thing: to be with someone who makes you laugh."

This is perhaps the best piece of advice I have ever been given. Be with someone who makes you laugh. Because, the thing is, this not only refers to sex partners. This is true for life, and for everyone in your life. In my life. In counting my friends, I realize we laugh a lot together. Bear in mind that most my friends are English majors, like me; so our jokes go from doing false gender-role readings to applying the wrong approach to the wrong text - OMG HILARIOUS! But also with my non-English major friends (those who have studied Film, those who have studied Biology, even those who have studied History) - we have fun because we laugh.

Laughter is awesome. Laughter is what makes distances disappear, it makes problems fade (if only for a while), it makes drinks taste better and it makes food less fatty. Laughter is the gateway to world peace. Think of the most fun you've had, think of your happy memories: in all of those, you are laughing. Probably until your tummy hurts, or until you pee a little, or until liquids come out of your nose (been there, done that - all three). Laughter makes awkwardness awesomeness.

Now, I don't claim to be in possession of the absolute truth or anything like that. But I will share the wisdom my mom's friend shared with me almost 15 years ago: find someone who makes you laugh.

I am about to marry the man who makes me laugh. The man who laughs at my jokes, even though I have no good jokes (there were two muffins sitting in an over. One muffin says to the other, "Man! It's hot in here!" and the other muffin replies, "OMG a talking muffin!!!"). He laughs when he has to eat the food I've burnt for him - um, oops. I totally meant cooked - cooked for him. He laughs when I forget to do laundry for so long that he has to wear yesterday's boxer shorts. He puts his whole world on hold to make me laugh. And even when my heart is a little broken, he picks up the pieces and finds a way to make me laugh. He laughs when I am poor and unemployed, and he laughs when I have so much work to do that I can hardly pause to go pee.

He makes me laugh. We laugh together. I have found him, and he has found me. Hopefully we will spend the rest of our lives finding each other every single day.

And hopefully it will be such an amazing adventure, that "the rest of our lives" will not seem like enough time.

I have found someone who makes me laugh. Have you?


  1. La mejor parte del Chiste del Muffin, es que puedes cambiarlo por cualquier producto de la canasta familiar y sigue siendo chistoso (es el único chiste que me sé, pero originalmente son zanahorias dentro de un congelador)
    Y para responder a la pregunta, yes I have found one but I'm not sure I'm gonna get marry to him, I'm too young to make that kind of decision, it's terrifying.

    1. Yo lo contaba en Barranquilla así: "Había dos pastelitos de queso de hojaldre en el horno. Y le dice un pastelito de queso de hojaldre al otro, "¡Pero qué calor!" y le responde el otro pastelito de queso de hojaldre, "OH POR DIOS un pastelito de queso de hojaldre que habla!"
      Ja ja!
      Y no se trata de casarte hoy, ni de tomar la decisión de casarte de afán. Se trata de que cuando ya decidas casarte, te asegures que esa persona te hace reír. <3

    2. Está bien, creo que ahora me gusta más la versión del pastelito de queso de hojaldre, jajajaja..

  2. Te amoooo 18 dias para empezar a reir te amooo

  3. te quedan pocos dias para empezar y contuinar riendote , te amooo 17 tagen te amoooo

  4. The license tag for my automobile are these letters LAFOFTN
    There are times to cry and be upset, but the thing that makes those bearable are all the times that we can laugh! But beWARE, laughter and happiness are addicting! You could find yourself losing some of the "edge" and sarcasm that is so endearing.

    1. My biggest wish is that I can have the same type of loving, respectful and all-enduring relationship you and David have. Minus the toilet humor - I can TOTALLY do without the toilet humor. I love you and miss you SO MUCH.


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